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The useFindWatched Utility ⚠️

⚠️ warning ⚠️

This API has been replaced by the new useFind API. To make the migration process easier, the old useFind is now provided as useFindWatched. This API will likely be removed in the future.

The useFindWatched utility reduces boilerplate for querying with fall-through cache and realtime updates. To get started with it you provide a model class and a computed params object.

Let's use the example of creating a User Guide, where we need to pull in the various Tutorial records from our tutorials service. We'll keep it simple in the template and just show a list of the names.

The goal with the examples is to focus as much as possible on functionality and not boilerplate. As such, all examples use auto-import for Vue APIs like computed and ref. They also use Vue's script setup feature. Both features come preinstalled with the Vitesse Template for Vue and the Vitesse-Feathers-Pinia Demo.

    <li v-for="tutorial in tutorials" :key="">
      {{ }}

<script setup>
import { useFindWatched } from 'feathers-pinia'
import { useTutorials } from '../store/tutorials'

// 1. Register and use the store
const tutorialStore = useTutorials()

// 2. Create a computed property for the params
const tutorialsParams = computed(() => {
  return {
    query: {},
// 3. Provide the Model class and params in the options
const tutorialsData = useFindWatched({ model: tutorialStore.Model, params: tutorialsParams })
const tutorials = tutorialsData.items;

Let's review each of the numbered comments, above:

  1. Register and use the store. Since Pinia uses independent stores, the best practice is to import and use them wherever needed. Once you've called the equivalent to useTutorials, the Model property can be pulled from the store.
  2. Create a computed property for the params. Return an object with a nested query object.
  3. Provide the Model class and params in the options


Here's a look at the TypeScript definition for the UseFindWatched interface.

interface UseFindWatched {
  model: Function
  params: Params | Ref<Params>
  fetchParams?: Params | Ref<Params>
  queryWhen?: ComputedRef<boolean> | QueryWhenFunction
  qid?: string
  immediate?: boolean

And here's a look at each individual property:

  • model must be a Feathers-Pinia Model class. The Model's find and findInStore methods are used to query data.
  • params is a FeathersJS Params object OR a Composition API ref (or computed, since they return a ref instance) which returns a Params object.
    • When provided alone (without the optional fetchParams), this same query is used for both the local data store and the API requests.
    • Explicitly returning null will prevent an API request from being made.
    • You can use params.qid to dynamically specify the query identifier for any API request. The qid is used for tracking pagination data and enabling the fall-through cache across multiple queries.
    • Set params.paginate to true to use server-side pagination. Realtime updates will continue to come into the store. UI results will only update when another response is sent from the server for the same query.
    • Set params.debounce to an integer and the API requests will automatically be debounced by that many milliseconds. For example, setting debounce: 1000 will assure that the API request will be made at most every 1 second.
    • Set params.temps to true to include temporary (local-only) items in the results. Temporary records are instances in the store without a server-assigned id. They have not been saved to the database, yet.
    • Set params.copies to true to include cloned items in the results. The queried items get replaced with the corresponding copies from copiesById
  • fetchParams This is a separate set of params that, when provided, will become the params sent to the API server. The params will then only be used to query data from the local data store.
    • Explicitly returning null will prevent an API request from being made (but only for Vue 3. For Vue 2, use queryWhen).
  • queryWhen provides a logical separation for preventing API requests outside of the params. It must be a computed property that returns one of the following:
    • a boolean
    • a QueryWhenFunction, receiving a QueryWhenContext and returning a boolean.
  • qid allows you to specify a query identifier (used in the pagination data in the store). This can also be set dynamically by returning a qid in the params.
  • immediate, which is true by default, determines if the internal watch should fire immediately. Set immediate: false and the query will not fire immediately. It will only fire on subsequent changes to the params.

Returned Attributes

Notice the tutorialsData in the previous example. You can see that there's an tutorialsData.items property, which is returned at the bottom of the setup method as tutorials. There are many more attributes available in the object returned from useFindWatched. We can learn more about the return values by looking at its TypeScript interface, below.

interface UseFindData {
  items: Ref<any>
  paginationData: Ref<object>
  servicePath: Ref<string>
  qid: Ref<string>
  isPending: Ref<boolean>
  haveBeenRequested: Ref<boolean>
  haveLoaded: Ref<boolean>
  error: Ref<Error>
  debounceTime: Ref<number>
  latestQuery: Ref<object>
  isLocal: Ref<boolean>
  find: Function
  isSsr: Ref<boolean>
  request: Ref<Promise<Request> | null>

Let's look at the functionality that each one provides:

  • items is the list of results. By default, this list will be reactive, so if new items are created which match the query, they will show up in this list automagically.
  • servicePath is the FeathersJS service path that is used by the current model. This is mostly only useful for debugging.
  • isPending is a boolean that indicates if there is an active query. It is set to true just before each outgoing request. It is set to false after the response returns. Bind to it in the UI to show an activity indicator to the user.
  • haveBeenRequested is a boolean that is set to true immediately before the first query is sent out. It remains true throughout the life of the component. This comes in handy for first-load scenarios in the UI.
  • haveLoaded is a boolean that is set to true after the first API response. It remains true for the life of the component. This also comes in handy for first-load scenarios in the UI.
  • isLocal is a boolean that is set to true if this data is local only.
  • qid is currently the primary qid provided in params. It might become more useful in the future.
  • debounceTime is the current number of milliseconds used as the debounce interval.
  • latestQuery is an object that holds the latest query information. It populates after each successful API response. The information it contains can be used to pull data from the paginationData.
  • paginationData is an object containing all of the pagination data for the current service.
  • error is null until an API error occurs. The error object will be serialized into a plain object and available here.
  • find is the find method used internally. You can manually make API requests. This is most useful for when you have paginate: true in the params. You can manually query refreshed data from the server, when desired. Calling find actually calls in the internal findProxy, so if you have debounceTime set, requests will be debounced.
  • isSsr is a boolean that matches the value of the ssr option in useService
  • request will contain the promise for any active request.

Conditionally Running Queries

There are two ways of controlling whether or not queries go out.

  • Return null in the params or fetchParams. (Vue 3, only)
  • Use the queryWhen property. This is the recommended option.

The queryWhen property accepts a computed property that returns either a boolean OR a function that returns a boolean.

queryWhen as a Computed Boolean

The below example uses a boolean. No query is made initially, because queryWhen returns false. When the timeout sets isReady to true, queryWhen returns true and Vue's wonderful reactivity layer automagically fires the request. If you were to toggle isReady, each time it evaluates to true the request will go out again.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'
import { useFindWatched } from 'feathers-pinia'
import { useUsers } from '~/store/users.ts'

const userStore = useUsers()

const isReady = ref(false)
const params = computed(() => {
  return { query: { $limit: 10, $skip: 0 } }
const queryWhen = computed(() => isReady.value)
const { items } = useFindWatched({
  model: userStore.Model,

setTimeout(() => {
  isReady.value = true
}, 5000)

queryWhen as a Computed Function

The queryWhen property can also be implemented as a computed property that returns a function. The function receives a context object and needs to return a boolean. The context object has some useful information that you can use to determine whether to return true or false. Here's what context looks like:

export interface QueryWhenContext {
  items: ComputedRef<AnyData[]>
  queryInfo: QueryInfo
  qidData: PaginationStateQid
  queryData: PaginationStateQuery
  pageData: PaginationStatePage

The qidData, queryData, and pageData properties all come from the service store's pagination object, which contains useful information for every query. Let's review the pagination object before we see how to use the context object.

BE CAREFUL when using queryWhen as a computed function because it can cause infinite loops when the return value is truthy. The computed value reruns whenever the data in the QueryWhenContext changes. The general way to avoid recomputes is to make sure you toggle the value to false after the response comes back. Leaving it truthy will likely cause the infinite looping behavior.

Pagination State

The qid, queryId, and pageId in the below structure are all determined by the attributes in the params.

  • qid comes from params.qid. All queries with the same qid will be kept in the same object. The mostRecentQuery attribute contains queryInfo about where in the pagination structure you'll find the most recent query.
  • queryId is a stringified representation of all attributes in params.query except $limit and $skip.
  • pageId is a stringified representation of $limit and $skip, which are the page-level attributes.
// This is a pseudo-TypeScript interface that illustrates the pagination structure.
interface PaginationState {
  [qid: string]: {        // This level is the `qidData`
    [queryId: string]: {  // This level is the `queryData`
      [pageId: string]: { // This level is the `pageData`
        ids: Id[]
        pageParams: QueryPagination
        queriedAt: number // timestamp
        ssr: boolean
      queryParams: Query
      total: number
    mostRecent: MostRecentQuery
interface MostRecentQuery {
  pageId: string
  pageParams: QueryPagination
  queriedAt: number
  query: Query
  queryId: string
  queryParams: Query
  total: number

queryWhen Function Example

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'
import { useFindWatched } from 'feathers-pinia'
import { useUsers } from '~/store/users.ts'

const userStore = useUsers()

const params = computed(() => {
  return { query: { $limit: 10, $skip: 0 } }
// Notice the two arrow functions. This is a computed that returns a function.
// Lots of return examples here. Not valid JS, just for illustration.  ;)
const queryWhen = computed(() => (context) => {
  const { items, queryInfo, qidData, queryData, pageData } = context

  // Allow the query if we don't have any items. If you do this you have to manually call find(), as done in the timeout.
  return !items.length

  // Allow the query if over 5 minutes have passed
  return !pageData || pageData?.queriedAt < new Date.getTime() - 300_000
const { items, find } = useFindWatched({
  model: userStore.Model,

setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000)

A couple of best practices

  1. Always use $limit and $skip in queries. This allows Feathers-Pinia to store more accurate pagination data.
  2. Recognize that pagination-related objects will be undefined until after the first query response. This is why we use the conditional in pageData?.queriedAt`. It will only exist if a matching query has previously been made.

Working with Refs

Pay special attention to the properties of type Ref, in the TypeScript interface, above. Those properties are Vue Composition API ref instances. This means that you need to reference their value by using .value. In the next example the completeTodos and incompleteTodos are derived from the todos, using todos.value

      v-for="tutorial in tutorials"
      {{ }}

<script setup>
  import { useFindWatched } from 'feathers-pinia'
  import { useTodos } from '../store/todos'

  const todoStore = useTodos()

  const params = computed(() => {
    return {
      query: {},
  const { items: todos } = useFindWatched({ model: todoStore.Todo, params })
  // Notice the "todos.value"
  const completeTodos = computed(() => todos.value.filter((todo) => todo.isComplete))
  const incompleteTodos = computed(() => todos.value.filter((todo) => !todo.isComplete))

Troubleshooting Missing Paginated Data

One problem that can occur when you have reactive params.query is it's possible to modify the params in a hook. The most common problems happen with hooks that modify the query, like paramsFromServer from either feathers-hooks-common or feathers-graph-populate. If you are using any hook that modifies params.query, you need to make a shallow clone of the object to prevent the reactive one you provide to useFindWatched from getting modified. useFindWatched uses the original query object to process the incoming paginated data. So if the original query gets changed by downstream hooks, no data will show up, and no errors will show, either.

Steps to troubleshoot missing data:

  1. Make sure you see your data arriving in the Chrome Dev Tools Network tab.
  2. Turn off (comment out) any hooks on outbound requests and see if your data shows up again.
  3. If you can't turn off hooks, try adding a global hook that creates a shallow copy of the params:
  before: {
    all: [
      // Replace context.params with a shallow clone to prevent future hooks from messing with the reactive query object.
      context => {
        const query = { ...context.params.query }
        context.params = { ...context.params, query }

Many thanks go to the Vue, Vuex, Pinia, and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!