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The useClones utility is built on top of useClone. There's only one big difference between them:

  • useClones watches all props and gives you an object of clone refs. The same options are applied to all props.
  • useClone gives you back a single clone ref. It lets you give unique options per prop.

useClones gives you all of the same benefits as those provided by useClone.

FeathersModel Required

It currently only works with FeathersModel instances because it depends on the .save() and .patch() instance methods.

Basic Example

Here's an example form that uses useClone a component's props. This is a contrived example to demonstrate the API.

  <form @submit.prevent="saveAll">
      placeholder="Enter the User's Name"
      placeholder="Enter the Message Text"
    <button type="submit">

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useClone } from 'feathers-pinia'

const props = defineProps({
  user: { type: Object },
  message: { type: Object },

const clones = useClones(props)
const saveAll = () => {


useClones(props, options)

  • props {Object} a component's props object (or a reactive with model instances at the top level). Required
  • options {Object} an options object
    • useExisting {boolean} when true tells useClone to reuse any existing clone. This is handy for handling two instances of useClone at the same time on the record. Default: false.
    • deep {boolean} when true, tells useClone to re-clone any time the original record changes.

The value returned from useClone will always be a clones object. The value of each key will change based on the value of props[propName]:

  • If the prop key holds a Model instance, the clones key will be a cloned instance.
  • If the prop key does not hold a Model instance, the clones key will be null.

Note that the clones object in the previous example is an object of refs, so you access the avlue of each key with .value outside the template.

Diffing Data for Patch

Patch diffing is now built into the core of Feathers-Pinia. The .save() method of every cloned FeathersModel instance will perform diffing for you.

See the Automatic Patch Diffing API.

Formerly called handleClones

The useClones utility was formerly known as handleClones and had a very different API. See the Migrate handleClones page for more information.

Many thanks go to the Vue, Vuex, Pinia, and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!