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Nuxt Module

Feathers-Pinia v2 comes with a Nuxt Module, which currently works with Nuxt 3. It provides two main features:

  • Auto-import configuration for key Feathers-Pinia exports.
  • Composables for working with Feathers-Pinia and Nuxt.

You can read more about which modules are available as auto-imports.


Working with Nuxt requires the use of Pinia stores.


The Nuxt module has its own package to install alongside feathers-pinia:

npm i nuxt-feathers-pinia

Once installed, add its name to the nuxt.config.ts file. It's also recommended that you add the imports configuration, shown below, to allow you to keep models and stores in their own folder, since they are different than other composables. Apart from keeping your project well organized, this also enables auto-imports in those folders.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  // Allows you to put stores and models in their own folders
  imports: {
    dirs: [
  // Enable Nuxt Takeover Mode:
  typescript: {
    shim: false,
  // optional:
  experimental: {
    reactivityTransform: true,

Nuxt-Specific Composables

When you use nuxt-feathers-pinia, three of the Auto-Import Composables are replaced by SSR/SSG/Hybrid-ready versions with the same API.

When you register the nuxt-feathers-pinia module on your app, it creates an object called $fp on the NuxtApp object during every request. This means the NuxtApp is a safe place to use for per-request app state, which is perfect for Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG).

Many thanks go to the Vue, Vuex, Pinia, and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!