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Shared Model Function Utilities

These utilities can be used by any type of Model Function.


The useInstanceDefaults(defaults, data) utility allows you to specify default values to assign to new instances. It only assigns a value if it the attribute not already specified on the incoming object.

import type { Users, UsersData, UsersQuery } from 'my-feathers-api'
import { type ModelInstance, useFeathersModel, useInstanceDefaults } from 'feathers-pinia'
import { api } from '../feathers'

const service = api.service('users')

const modelFn = (data: ModelInstance<Users>) => {
  const withDefaults = useInstanceDefaults({ name: '', email: '', password: '' }, data)
  return withDefaults
const User = useFeathersModel<Users, UsersData, UsersQuery, typeof modelFn>(
  { name: 'User', idField: '_id', service },

Now when you create a User the object will have default values applied:


Any key that exists on the incoming data will not be replaced by a default value, even if the value of that key is undefined.

// if no properties are passed, the defaults will all apply
const user = User({})
console.log(user) // --> { name: 'Marshall', email: '', password: '' }

// If partial keys are passed, non-passed keys will have defaults applied.
const user = User({ name: 'Marshall' })
console.log(user) // --> { name: 'Marshall', email: '', password: '' }

// any "own property" that's present on the object will not be replaced by a default value, even `undefined` values.
const user = User({ name: undefined })
console.log(user) // --> { name: undefined, email: '', password: '' }


The useFeathersInstance({ service }, data) utility adds FeathersModel Instance functionality to incoming data. It is already used under the hood by FeathersModel, so it should only be used in BaseModel Functions.

import { type ModelInstance, useInstanceDefaults, useFeathersInstance, useBaseModel } from 'feathers-pinia'

const modelFn = (data: ModelInstance<Tasks>) => {
  const withDefaults = useInstanceDefaults({ description: '', isComplete: false }, data)
  const asFeathersInstance = useFeathersInstance({ service }, withDefaults)
  return asFeathersInstance
const Task = useBaseModel<Tasks, TasksQuery, typeof modelFn>({ name: 'Task', idField: '_id' }, modelFn)

The difference between FeathersModel and BaseModel + FeathersModel Instances is only in the Model's static methods. Compare the static interface on the Model Functions page. If you prefer a store-centric workflow over a Model-centered workflow, you might want to stick with BaseModel to assure the team writes consistent code, if that's your preference.

Many thanks go to the Vue, Vuex, Pinia, and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!