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Feathers-Pinia 2.0 achieves cleaner decoupling between the Models and stores by utilizing Feathers Client hooks. The hooks are only required when using Feathers service connectivity.

Registering Hooks

Since all hooks are required, a utility named feathersPiniaHooks is provided for registering the hooks in the correct order.

import { feathersPiniaHooks } from 'feathers-pinia'

service.hooks({ around: { all: [...feathersPiniaHooks(Model)] } })

The utility requires that you pass a Model function then spread the returned array into the around all hooks, as demonstrated in more detail, below. Because they are Model-specific, hooks must be registered as service-level hooks, not app-level hooks.

Note about Feathers Types

Replace my-feathers-api in the below example with the package installed from your Feathers v5 Dove API. You can also provide manual types that describe the shape of your data.

import type { Tasks, TasksData, TasksQuery } from 'my-feathers-api'
import { type ModelInstance, useFeathersModel, useInstanceDefaults, feathersPiniaHooks } from 'feathers-pinia'
import { api } from '../feathers'

const service = api.service('tasks')

const modelFn = (data: ModelInstance<Tasks>) => {
  const withDefaults = useInstanceDefaults({ description: 'default', isComplete: false }, data)
  return withDefaults
const Task = useFeathersModel<Tasks, TasksData, TasksQuery, typeof modelFn>(
  { name: 'Task', idField: '_id', service },

// register hooks in the `around all` array
service.hooks({ around: { all: [...feathersPiniaHooks(Task)] } })

Overview of Hooks

These are the hooks that come with Feathers Pinia, in order of registration. These are around hooks, so they execute in reverse order during responses.

  • setPending(store) controls pending state for all request methods.
  • eventLocks(store) controls event locks to prevent potential duplicate response/events with patch and remove.
  • syncStore(store) keeps the store in sync with requested data. Allows skipping the store sync with the skipStore param.
  • makeModelInstances(Model) turns data from API responses into modeled data.
  • handleFindSsr(store) handles data for request state transferred from an SSR server, if enabled.
  • normalizeFind() takes care of normalizing pagination params for some feathers adapters.
  • skipGetIfExists(store) prevents get requests when the skipRequestIfExists option is enabled.
  • patchDiffing(store) saves bandwidth by diffing clones with original records and only sends the top-level keys that have changed.

Many thanks go to the Vue, Vuex, Pinia, and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!