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Build Lightweight, Real-Time Vue Apps

Outstanding Data Modeling for FeathersJS and Next-Generation Vue

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FeathersJS v5 Dove Support

Feathers-Pinia has been completely rewritten with the Vue Composition API. Use types directly from your backend API.


Powered by Pinia

It's a joy to use with a clean API and memorable syntax. It's also crazy fast. Really, the speed difference is ludicrous. ➳


Best Practices Baked In

Vue 3 + Composition API 😎 Common Redux patterns included. SWR Fall-through cache by default. Query the store like a local database.


Realtime by Default

Realtime isn't an afterthought or add-on. With Live Queries, watch your data update as new data arrives from the Feathers server.


SWR with more Cowbell

Feathers-Pinia can intelligently re-use data across different queries, making apps feel faster. Or go realtime and make SWR obsolete.


Data Modeling Beyond Class

v2.0 has all-new Functional Data Modeling. We've ditched classes for functions and we're all happier. Write cleaner code.


Many thanks go to the Vue, Vuex, Pinia, and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!